Virility Ex Review
A goliath label? That’s Virility Ex. However. Virility Ex’s label is mostly sheep’s clothing.
Virility Ex Review: A Top Level Experience?
This just isn’t a worthy addition to my top male enhancers list. But, for what you will pay and what you will get, it isn’t bad. If you are on a tight budget, this Virility EX review might be your saving grace as a lone option for something that might work.
Is Virility Ex a scam?
Virility Ex is by no means a scam, it is simply a cheaper experience that boast a heavy label as a way to sell its product to consumers. Consumers often see more expensive male enhancement products such as TEKMale and feel intimidated by the increased price. They go looking for cheaper options. Virility Ex fills the void of such needs. But, most of the ingredients on the label are their as a way to lengthen the label, not to contibute to improved sexual health.
Virility Ex Claimed Benefits
Virility Ex claims to help heighten sexual desire and improve the strength of your erection. That’s a common claim on male enhancement supplements. So let’s get into the finer details.
Virility Ex Review – Ingredients
Virility Ex comes with a big huge gloating label. But what’s really on a label? Well, when it comes to this supplement, a lot of fluff that uses non-essential male enhancement ingredients to beef up what’s really a relatively cheap experience. There is nothing wrong with adding value in non-essential nutrients, but there is everything wrong with basing the entire supplement on those non-essential ingredients.
What’s really in Virility Ex?
A good amount, actually. I’m going to show you the label, but don’t get overwhelmed. Like many male enhancer supplements, Virility Ex pads its ingredients with a lot of items that aren’t truly proven. This isn’t a big deal, but for simplicity sake, I only look at the ingredients that truly matter and are backed up by science. Feel free to follow source links (but please come back, I’d miss you being gone way too much).

First and foremost, Virility Ex discloses how much of each ingredient we get (WINNER). This isn’t the norm. Many supplements operate in shady ways when it comes to “blends” that only disclose the amount of all ingredients, not the individual ones. Virility Ex ingredients are off to a good start for this reason alone.
So let’s get started.
The first few ingredients are the most notable and most effective additions. And fortunately, they are the ones composing the largest ingredient volume in the formula. Maca is Virility Ex’s main ingredient. Maca root, as it is more medically known, is a Peruvian plant that’s sort of a physiological mystery. Maca root is known to fuel sex drive, it just isn’t known exactly why it does so. Back in 2001, double-blind studies gave near 60 men maca. Two groups got different maca loads while a third got a placebo. The two groups that received the maca root showed improved sex drive. Why? Again, that just isn’t clear. What is clear is that maca root seems to be effective at increasing libido.
The truth is, maca root isn’t my favorite ingredient in terms of serving as a core competency of a male enhancement supplement. That said, it is a good ingredient. As shown above, it does tend to work. And everyone is built differently, so for some men, maca might be the absolute most effective ingredient around.
L-Arginine is another popular ingredient found in most of the top male enhancers. And in all honesty, it would be a better suited primary ingredient as opposed to maca root. L-Arginine is a precursor to nitric oxide, which in laymen terms, means it stimulates the human body’s production of nitric oxide. Here’s a fascinating study on the benefits of nitric oxide. So, the good news is that L-Arginine is is the bee’s knees when it comes to being a viable male enhancement ingredient; the bad news is that Virility Ex only contains a meek 67 mg. And that’s super low. TEKMale ingredients, on the other hand, contain 650 mg of L-Arginine. Yes, TEKMale is a top male enhancement supplement that cost a bit more than Virility Ex, so you must consider that as the bigger picture, but it doesn’t take away from how low the content of L-Arginine is in Virility Ex.
Virility Ex contains another prominent and essential male enhancement ingredient in Tribulus, but again, at a low dosage of 67 mg.
At this juncture, I am going to take a moment to point out that Virility Ex is missing a great many essential ingredients such as Ginkgo, Ginseng, and Fenugreek Seed. Yes, that label is huge, but that’s a lot of fluff. Of course, pumpkin seeds are amazing for you. They contain Omega 3 fatty acids and essential fiber. But you have to ask yourself, are you buying a male enhancement supplement or pumpkin seeds, cayenne pepper and ginger root? Let me be clear here, pumpkin seeds are darn good for you. Improved health WILL help your sexual energy and health. But getting more omega 3 fatty acids and fiber into your diet is something you should be doing on your own. It isn’t the role of the male enhancement supplement.
Virility Ex is going to cost less, but you will pay the price of a much less effective male enhancer supplement. And honestly, you will likely end up going out to buy L-Arginine and Ginseng and other ingredients individually, which defeats the purpose of value inspired supplements. Yes, supplements on my top male enhancers list cost more, but they save more once you consider all the ingredients you may need to help inspire some additional sexual prowess. We are just talking economics at this point.
Virility Ex Side Effects
Ingredients such as L-Arginine do have side-effects listed, but with Virility Ex side-effects, it would seem the lowered doses remove some of that risk. That’s opinion. From a non-Doctor. Always visit your medical professional before taking a supplement, that’s just good form.
The Pros
- The ingredients it has are good
- The non-essential male enhancement ingredients it has are very good
- It will cost you less
The Cons
- Not competitive with bigger supplements
- Very few essential male enhancer ingredients
- Label is a lot of “fluff”
Virility Ex Conclusion
This supplement comes nowhere near my top 10 male enhancers. It lacks at least four essential male enhancement ingredients. Although priced cheaper, that comes with the cost of less effective and likely means you end up purchasing additional, expensive ingredients on an individual level. This product makes little sense to purchase.