Male Extra vs TEKMale: A new battle in the male enhancement supplement world has emerged, and it has left many men a bit perplexed. Is TEK Natural’s latest entry into the male enhancement supplement world, TEKMale, really better than the longtime ruler of male enhancement world, Male Extra?
Over the past few weeks, a number of supplement review websites, including our top 10 male enhancers, updated pushing the new TEKMale to the top of the list. The reaction was swift: many felt the move to push such a new product above a handful of proven winners was erroneous (although not wrong). In other words, there were consumers who felt TEKMale needed more market and consumer time before thrusting it into the top spot. And yes, my use of “thrusting” was without shame in the world of intended puns.
Male Extra vs TEKMale. Is TEKMale Pretender or Contender?
Yesterday’s TEKMale review was a bit overwhelming for many consumers. When compared to our Male Extra review, TEKMale was pushed into the prime time spot.
The position of making such a bold move is a relatively defendable. TEKMale is most definitely a contender among the ranks of the best natural male enhancement supplements. Could you argue that Male Extra is a better supplement? You could, but I really think you’d be wrong.
The core argument that TEKMale shouldn’t be in the one spot is due to TEKMale’s newness. No supplement can help its age and similarly, I don’t disagree that a proven track record is meaningful. But like other TEK Natural products, they disclose their ingredients. If a car discloses its specs (which they all do), a newer car can outrank a more proven, road-tested; consumer tested experience. That’s because we simply KNOW what’s under the hood. We can see from specs that it charges our iPhone wirelessly.
Could some of this functionality be smoke and mirrors? Of course. TEKMale will still have to prove itself, but the simplicity of ranking a male enhancement supplement comes down to what and how much is in it. TEKMale could drop depending on consumer reviews and experiences, but it is difficult to ignore what’s packed into this supplement. Additionally, and this falls into the category of unsubstantiated rumor, my understanding is that TEKMale took so long to develop due to TEK Natural working out the economics in having a massive amount of ingredients.

You have to think in terms of economics to grasp what divides the good and the bad when it comes to supplements. If economics weren’t a factor, you’d have 30 amazingly equal supplements. The fact is, the science that backs male enhancement ingredients is public. It has been validated and sworn in as legitimate. That said, wouldn’t you just pack a supplement with as many proven ingredients as possible?
There are only two reasons to not do this:
The first is possible side effects or interactions between too many quality ingredients. In the case of male enhancement supplements, however, TEKMale is using the same science in combining ingredients, so I doubt this is a factor. Could someone have a bad reaction to one ingredient in TEKMale that they’ve never had? Of course, but that’s an individual ingredient experience and not related to “combined ingredients.” And that can happen at random with any supplement.
The second reason and the most notable reason is basic economics. The more high-quality ingredients you add to your male enhancement formula, the more you pay, and the more you end up passing that cost on to consumers. And the more consumers have to pay, the less they buy your product. And the less your product is purchased, the more your price increases to make up for production costs and marketing, and you eventually end up being swallowed up by the competition.
It is reasonable to assume TEK Natural took time in creating financial relationships with ingredient providers as a way to make the economics work so that they could both, make money, and provide a top level product that’s competitively priced. If TEKMale cost $200 a month, we could never rank it number one because it would become an unaffordable experience for the consumer. The economics and the ingredients are the essences of how we rank our supplements. If we rank a supplement number 1 that most common folks can’t afford, what’s the point?
TEKMale vs. Male Extra Ingredients
Now that we have that down let’s have a look at side-by-side comparisons. I ripped the labels from both TEKMale ingredients and Male Extra ingredients and placed together. Yes, the image isn’t great, but I’m no artist, so please disregard the eyesore.

Let’s do a breakdown in our Male Extra vs TEKMale ingredients.
L-Arginine: This is one of the most essential male enhancement ingredients. If a supplement targeting to remedy sexual dysfunction is without L-Arginine, move on.
TEKMale contains 650 mg of L-Arginine. Male Extra contains 600 mg. 600 mg is a lot, and that’s one driving factor that makes Male Extra a superior supplement, but numbers don’t lie, TEKMale has an industry leading highest amount. That’s the core ingredient, and TEKMale wins that battle. L-Arginine is the starting point for increased blood circulation.
Pomegranate 40% Ellagic Acid: Like L-Arginine, this ingredient is aiming to increase blood circulation. Male Extra is the only supplement we know of to have this ingredient. TEKMale skipped it. This is a win for Male Extra, no doubt until you keep going down the label.
Increasing blood circulation is the utmost importance when it comes to curing sexual dysfunction. As it stands, TEKMale and Male Extra both feature L-Arginine, the most competent blood circulation increaser, and Male Extra uses Pomegranate Ellagic Acid to pad the effects. TEKMale does not use the pomegranate solution. But Male Extra comes to an abrupt stop following this addition whereas TEKMale pushes onward.
TEKMale also uses Organic Horny Goat Weed (300 mg), Saw Palmetto (300 mg), Tongkat Ali (200 mg), Ginkgo Biloba (100 mg), Korean Ginseng (100 mg). Those are all additional ingredients which contribute to the core competency of a male enhancer.
Now, a secondary function of a male enhancer should be to increase free occurring testosterone. There are testosterone boosters intended for this lone purpose, but this is for men who know low testosterone to be their main ailment.
Male Extra contains 14 mg of Zinc. Zinc is a proven testosterone booster. TEKMale contains 5 mg. Seems like a clear win for Male Extra, and it is, but only kind of.
Zinc is a mineral that many people get too much of when they begin supplementing. Many men looking to resolve sexual issues eat a lot of zinc containing foods (not many sufferers turn to a vegan diet, that’s just fact). For a grown man, 34 mg could be too much, according to science.
I want to be clear here; I am not saying Male Extra contains “too much” zinc. I am saying that the edge here is slim because while supplementation of zinc is intelligent under circumstances of poor sexual health, you probably already get zinc as it stands.
But again, this isn’t the entire picture. For clarity, we need to look at the entire scope of the testosterone boosting strategy in Male Extra vs. TEKMale. Male Extra has more zinc. But that’s the end of the story. TEKMale has two more testosterone boosters in maca root (250 mg) and tribulus terrestis (100 mg). Again, this is economics at play. If you opt for Male Extra, you also opt to purchase additional testosterone boosters if you feel they are needed.
Male Extra vs. TEKMale – Final Say
TEKMale deserves the top spot. Unless we find out that TEKMale doesn’t really contain the listed ingredients, which isn’t likely, the value is too overwhelming to not list them as the top of our top 10 male enhancers.
But I’d like to note a couple of things: Competition is good for us, the consumers. TEKMale will push Male Extra and some of the other top male enhancers to create new and improved versions. This will continue that capitalistic cycle of increased demand, lower prices, higher quality. When competition runs dry, that’s when we all should worry.
I would also expect a top level male enhancer such as Male Extra to quickly come out with an answer to TEKMale. They didn’t hold down that top spot for as long as they did because they are not business savvy.
I’m not saying toss your Male Extra in the garbage. The stuff is good. And if it is working, I’m not sure I’d switch. I’m not a big “change” guy myself. However, if you feel you could be getting a bit more impact in your sexual life, TEKMale is worth the risk of purchase.