Rexavar Review
This Rexavar review is short and sweet. Nope, it isn’t in my top male enhancers list. This is because I’m not largely a fan of their labeling practices. Beyond my being a supplement snob, I also believe that us consumers should be allowed a basic transparency when it comes to what is inside of our supplements. Rexavar pretty well fails in such capacity.
Rexavar Review: A Mystery Formula
Rexavar touts some good beneficial ingredients, but they don’t disclose how much of each ingredient is present. Due to this, the product is hard to review. And it is hard to trust a product that doesn’t tell you the true value of your purchase. I’m not a fan of this type of label manipulation, honestly, so you should assume my negative bias from here on out.
Is Rexavar a scam?
I wouldn’t go as far as to call it a scam, they are rather up front with not disclosing their own ingredient amounts. And that’s common practice in the industry, so in many ways, they are just hanging around that low bar.
Rexavar Claimed Benefits
Rexavar claims to increase your sexual urges and help strengthen your erections.
Rexavar Review – Ingredients
Ingredients are the essence of the supplement. In the case of Rexavar ingredients, this supplement tends to get away with marketing a number of good ingredients without telling us what the heck the amounts are. Sadly for the supplement industry, that’s a rather par for the course situation. Many supplement companies choose to not disclose their ingredient amounts leaving the consumer to guess. They call it a “proprietary blend,” but the truth is, they are just getting away with not disclosing the value of their product.
Think about something, would you buy a car without knowing the mileage on it? Would you purchase a candy bar without knowing whether or not peanuts or raisins were in it? No, you wouldn’t. So why would you do it with a supplement? Of course, Rexavar tells you what is in it, it just doesn’t tell you how much. It gives you the illusion of disclosure without having to be firm.
Why do this? It is simple economics. Ingredients drive the value of the supplement. If Rexavar uses more of a specific ingredient, it will cut into their profit margins. So yes, Rexavar could simply use very little of a listed ingredient as a way to cut costs, yet, remain in good faith with the consumer for simply including the ingredient on the label. It’s a crappy move which is why I am not going to spend a load of time discussing the ingredients because we can’t know how much of any of them are in the product. If you check out my TEKMale review, you can scroll down to the ingredients and see how a supplement that’s on the up and up displays ingredients to the consumer.
What matters in Rexavar?
Tribulus Terrestris is always a solid addition to any male enhancer. It has who knows how much, but maybe if you roll the dice with a lucky hand, you get a good amount. Tribulus Terrestris has been shown by science to positively affect sperm count. Tribulus Terrestris is most definitely a top ingredient for sexual dysfunction and is typically included in all the big players.
L-Arginine is another winner. It helps to stimulate nitric oxide production, which inevitably helps blood flow to the male genitalia, which has the beneficial effect of improved erection strength. Again, L-Arginine is a top male enhancer ingredient.
Maca root is a good addition, as well. Maca root has been shown to have some good libido enhancing qualities to it.
So that’s three solid ingredients which all work uniquely and in unity for the greater goal of resolving male sexual difficulties. But again, who knows how much of each is present in the supplement.
Here, you can see the Rexavar ingredient label for yourself.

Rexavar Side Effects
It isn’t my business to assess side-effects, you should check with your doctor about that situation before taking this supplement. However, I don’t see a lot of online chatter about Rexavar side-effects, but that’s most likely because there aren’t a ton of the ingredients which might rarely cause issues.
The Pros
- The listed ingredients are very good
The Cons
- The ingredients which matter are thin (only 3 really good ones)
- They don’t disclose how much of the ingredients you get, which is a major shade alert
Rexavar Conclusion
I would never place a supplement that doesn’t disclose ingredient amounts in my top 10 male enhancers. That would simply be bad for my business. And insulting to those who take my reviews seriously. There just isn’t much to be excited about with Rexavar. You can do better. Keep trying. Check out my top list. Read online forums. But I wouldn’t allow the buck to stop with Rexavar, it just isn’t good enough.