If you’ve been researching male supplements, you’ve likely come across the name, “nitric oxide.” And you’ve probably next wondered, “so laughing gas can help my sexual health?” The answer is “no, laughing gas can’t help your sexual health.” Actually, the answer is “I don’t know.” But that’s of no real concern for this conversation we are about to have because Nitric Oxide is not laughing gas. Laughing gas is Nitrous Oxide. Nitric Oxide erection benefits (the real Nitric Oxide) are real, however, so you’ve arrived at the right place.
Nitric Oxide is a molecule used by the body. And it is no slouch when it come to its relevance to your sexual health and overall vitality. Your blood

vessel lining is what’s responsible for creating Nitric Oxide. When uninterrupted by increased unhealthy cholesterol levels and sedentary lifestyle, Nitric Oxide is able to flourish throughout the human body. And by “flourish,” I mean to say that Nitric Oxide dialates vessels and contributes to healthy blood flow throughout the body. A lack of healthy blood flow can often be a sign of poor hearth health. And poor heart health can often relate to poor sexual health.
You’ve heard that smoking or high cholesterol can cause a heart attack? Well, the interrupted production of Nitric Oxide by inhaling smoke or eating too many Big Macs is the starting point of the process that is your health’s degradation. This is why one shouldn’t smoke, or eat big macs, and should move around more. We take often take this information for granted, but the truth is definitely in the numbers.
It is also possible that you’ve heard that smoking can adversely effect sexual health, particularly in men. The rabbit hole here isn’t overly deep, it is more of an obvious journey. When blood flow is compromised, so is a man’s erection. The erection needs blood flow, hence Nitric Oxide erection benefits, this is how it thrives by both achieving the needed erection and maintaining it. The unfortunate circumstances of compromised Nitric Oxide often shatter this process into bits, leaving the man frustrated and looking for help.
Heart disease, or atherosclerosis, and erectile dysfunction, are forever related. In fact, Viagra has been shown to help stop a heart attack. This proves that Nitric Oxide erection benefits are far from myth, in fact, they’re science. The fact that a phamaceutical companies spend billions promoting a pill that hopes to increase nitric oxide with the end goal of resolving erectile dysfunction tells you just about everything you need to know. Nitric Oxide is super important.
Nitric Oxide Benefits
Nitric Oxide has been credited with a slew of amazing benefits in the human body. And this is why so many male enhancement supplements include L-Arginine in their ingredients, including many listed on our top 10 male enhancers list. (I will explain the L-Arginine connection below)
When you eat food, your smooth muscles inside your digestive system must both smash that food and empty it. The optimal ability to do such is an indicator of a healthy digestive system. Nitric Oxide helps to improve this process that’s called gastric motility.
Nitric Oxide is heavily related to increased athletic performance.
Blood pressure function is vastly improved due to blood vessel dilation.
Nitric Oxide is a key player in helping to stave off bacteria and assist in fighting cancer tumors.
Nitric Oxide helps with erectile dysfunction. Viagra effectively does what it does due to its ability to assist the flow of Nitric Oxide through the body. Viagra, more specifically, influences enzymes that help stimulate Nitric Oxide.
Nitric Oxide as Male Enhancer Ingredient
It stands to reason that if the penis has its blood flow inhibited, it will experience issues with erection strength. Too little blood flow and the penis will have difficulty achieving any sort of erection. In male enhancers, Nitric Oxide isn’t the ingredient used, instead, male enhancers use L-Arginine. L-Arginine is credited with stimulating Nitric Oxide production.
Exercise can help increase Nitric Oxide production, as can laying off the crappy diet and smoking. To achieve complete and fulfilling male sexual health, Nitric Oxide production is a must. Using L-Arginine is a wonderful way to help increase it. And it stands to reason why male enhancers almost always include L-Arginine.
Benefits of Male Enhancers
You must be asking yourself why you wouldn’t just go out an buy L-Arginine as a lone supplement, rather than buying a combined supplement. The first reason is simple: Value. Yes, Nitric Oxide erection benefits are overwhelmingly supported by science, but it isn’t the only factor affecting a man’s sexual health. Many of our top 10 male enhancers have additional ingredients which also promote increased libido activity and decreased anxiety. The most likely evolution for a consumer is to purchase L-Arginine, then more lone ingredients. This becomes an expensive endeavor. Bigger, more robust, supplements possess more value because they are all inclusive by nature. This means less time shopping and researching and spending and more time enjoying improved sexual health.
In the end, there is little reason to feel frustrated because there are options to improve your sexual health. Nitric Oxide is not only a good start, but it is a core competency in the journey. And science most definitely proves it to be legitimate. The struggle is real, of course, but it can be staved off by simply taking action. I should note, just supplementing isn’t enough. If you are a heavy smoker or eat a lot of fast food, I’d start by cleaning up that aspect of your life initially and subsequently move on to supplements. Or at least make that a goal while you are supplementing.