Oat Straw benefits and side effects must have something to them, at least the benefits, I should say. The reason I say this is because many of the supplements on my top male enhancers list often utilize it in their ingredients. This must signal that oat straw is far more than a straw made from oats. Which it is isn’t. It isn’t even close to that. But it is a powerful plant that’s been associated with a lot of amazing health benefits, including those in the realm of sexual dysfunction. Oat straw benefits, as luck may have it, could be right up your alley. And those supplement companies seem to have it right by adding it in.
Is Oat Straw an essential sexual dysfunction ingredient? While some of the big sexual dysfunction supplements utilize it, the most praised supplement, TEKMale, does not use it. So, either they forgot about it, didn’t like it, hated the name, or just didn’t consider it essential. All the same, that doesn’t mean Oat Straw is no good, it just means it likely isn’t an essential ingredient for sexual dysfunction. However, fear not, the stuff is really good in many, many ways.
Oat Straw Benefits and Side Effects
Oat Straw, also known as Avena sativa, is a hardy 2-type plant that prefers to grow in heavy or loamy soil. Oat straw has many different common names such as herb oats, groats, wild oats, and common oat. The plant can be found growing in moderate temperatures like Northern Europe and does it well in wastelands. Oat straw requires a good drainage system but can be grown in a soil with high acidity. The plant needs sun to grow, and can tolerate a drought. Oat straw is most commonly distributed for cereal but can also be found in gardens or planted to eliminate erosion of the soil. The seeds, the fruit, and the straw are usually gathered in the month of August.
Oat straw is grass that stands tall with a rough, flat and elongated leaf. The seed is golden and spindle-like. The plant flowers in June-July and is ripe in the fall months between August and October. Oat straw has both male and female parts and pollinates through wind.
Most Common Oat Straw Uses and Benefits
Oat straw is a great source of protein and contains saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids, steroidal compounds, carotene, vitamins B1and B2, E, D, and starch. The plant contains small amounts of silicon and potassium and minerals like calcium and magnesium.
Oats will always be a huge food source for both animals and humans and have been for thousands of years. Oats are even reflected as a good source of food in its name “avena” meaning nourishing and “sativa” known as cultivated.
Oat straw has an obvious recognition as a valuable and stable crop, but most don’t know that it’s used in treatments of a large number of ailments, discomforts, and maladies.
Its known to lower cholesterol naturally, and help rebuild strength by increasing stamina and vigor. This is big for those who are recovering from a long-term illness.
When combined with palmetto, its said to enhance sexual performance. Oat straw can increase the amount of testosterone in the blood.
The Straw and grain are prescribed to treat a great deal of conditions. The Oat seeds carry, cardiac, antispasmodic, diuretic, nervine, emollient, and stimulant properties.
The Oat straw has also been known to help those who suffer from neurological pains and insomnia. Also known to help with exhaustion and those who have multiple sclerosis.
Oat tincture is a popular way to stimulate nerves when treating an addiction to opium and also used to treat ADHD and anxiety.
It fights problems for those with varicose veins, obesity, and hemorrhoids.
Researchers have found that Oat Straw contains an anti-tumor component called b-sitosterol, also suggests that if you consume oats regularly reduces chances of bowel cancer and even cancer In general.
The evidence even suggests that if you consume oats it helps to lower blood sugar naturally and can be used as an herbal remedy for those who suffer from diabetes.
Oat Straw is gluten-free unlike other grains like wheat, rye, and barley. It contains a protein called avenin that is tolerated by those with Celiac disease and those with a gluten sensitivity or intolerance.
Dosages and Administering Oat Straw
It’s obvious that Oat is in a god-like category of foods. All of my favorite cereals have oat in them. In fact, here’s a picture of my breakfast with oats in it I just ate this morning before writing this article.
Totally kidding, that’s a stock photo. My hand could never look that ageless and perfect. What can I say? I’ve mowed some lawns in my day and chopped a little firewood!
But most don’t know much beyond the fact that oat is used as the main ingredient in many cereals and breads.
The typical dosage of Oat Straw extract is about 2 to 3 t to 1 cup boiling water leaving it sit 10-15 min before consuming
They also have a tincture and the dosage in that form is 3 times a day 3-5 ml each time.
Another interesting way to use Oat straw is to make a n infusion for your bathtub by adding 1 pound of Oat straw with 2 quarts of boiling water and let sit 30 min.
Benefits of Oat Straw
The only main concern with oat straw is that if you have an allergy towards oat flower I would recommend staying away from anything that may contain oat straw. Besides that, there are currently no drug interaction associated with the plant.
In Conclusion
Oat straw is one of the most popular and powerful ingredients used today. Oat straw is all natural and able to provide a massive amount of uses in a multitude of ways. This plant helps addicts, cancer patients, those with diabetes, and even men struggling with low testosterone. It boosts sexual desire and can even help you quit smoking, so what isn’t to like about Oat straw? This ingredient is important and can be big boost to your health. I hope this review was helpful and thanks for reading!