What The Heck Are GABA Supplements?

You’ve likely heard about GABA supplements.
“GABA supplements can help you relax!”
“If you take GABAsupplements, you are less likely to get sick!”
“GABA is a better natural anti-anxiety solution than Pharma’s options.”
GABA is an extremely popular neurotransmitter that can be purchased as an individual GABA supplement, or part of a variety male enhancement or brain boosting supplement (or mood enhancement supplement). You’ve likely seen it for sale if you’ve been in GNC, or down the vitamin section at Whole Foods. GABA’s precise science-given name is gamma-aminobutyric acid. That’s not fun to say aloud. But what is fun is GABA’s authenticity in being one of the best supplements on the market for a variety of reasons.
GABA Supplements, unlike so many other supplements, is pretty well trusted. There is science backing it up (I do my best to link to studies and research for your further examination).
GABA is often found in our top 10 male enhancers, which leads many to ask questions about its validity and usage in the singular fashion. GABA works well for male enhancement, which is why it is found in so many of those products. But it is also a beast when it comes to helping people with anxiety in general. GABA is golden. It works.
GABA, acting as a neurotransmitter, influences brain activity. It also helps in the muscular system.
STUDY BREAK: GABA’s immunity increasing power and ability to lower anxiety in fast order proven in a 2006 study. (source)
So let’s talk about the act of neurons firing in the brain. Dopamine, Glutamate, nor-adrenaline, adrenaline, and serotonin are also neurotransmitters. When they fire, they stimulate excitement in the brain. This can be good (think feeling a rush of happy), and this can be bad (think feeling stressed or fearful). Excitatory function walks that tightrope of good and evil. And depending on how your body responds to the environment around you, you feel one or the other.
GABA functions to slow the rate of neurons firing in the brain. It can “level” the playing field, or “balance” a person’s feelings or emotions. And this can lead to less stress. Being stressed during sex, or being stressed while standing in a long line at the post office, are not good situations. So being able to manage that stress and place it at an appropriate level is a GABA benefit.
If your brain has a lack of GABA, well, neurons fire away as if they are in a wild, wild, west gunfight at high noon. And this likely won’t feel good to the person experiencing such activity.
GABA is an amino acid, but not the type you get much of from eating protein rich foods. GABA is produced from glutamate.
Pharma’s slew of meds, such as Xanax, tend to achieve their own anxiety reduction via their relationship with modulating GABA. Because of this, many people seek out the direct source so as to avoid the side effects of taking something such as valium.
GABA and B6
Vitamin B6 is a necessary component for GABA synthesis. Hence, if you go to pick up a GABA supplement, make sure it also has some B6 in it. If not, strongly consider adding B6. Magnesium also has a relatively strong relationship with GABA. Magnesium can help relax muscles in the human body, as well.
GABA and Blood Brain Barrier
Beware, you are now entering controversial waters. The medical community at large does not believe that GABA is capable of crossing what is known as the blood-brain barrier. But here’s the thing, why does so much anecdotal and scientific validation exist if GABA can’t cross the blood-brain barrier?
Something most certainly doesn’t add up. Here’s another study that shows GABA is useful in helping those with anxiety.
So what gives? The medical community’s stance on GABA is particularly odd when a closer examination of studies are involved. Those studies show GABA to work, but they don’t show it crossing the blood brain barrier.
GABA will boost serotonin a bit, but it will also lower adrenaline. This is why people report a peaceful, balanced self-awareness from taking GABA.
Why Is GABA In Male Enhancers?
Anxiety is a sexual performance killer; there are no two ways around it. This isn’t a secret, anxiety’s role in disturbing the male sexual prowess has been featured in a great many Hollywood films and shows.
Being able to relax is a core function of the human sexual animal. Because of this, many male enhancement supplements add GABA in as part of their ingredients. If you are looking to take GABA for the reason of improved sexual performance, I’d strongly recommend that you look into our top 10 male enhancers. In this way, you are able to economically purchase not only GABA but some other beneficial male enhancement ingredients.
On a counter note, if you are just looking to boost your mood, you can order GABA on Amazon. I’d encourage you to read the user reviews to help you decide which one is right for you. As well, talk to a medical professional.
GABA Side Effects
The FDA recognizes GABA as a safe supplement. But they don’t endorse every version of it.
It is recommended to stop using during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
There are reports that taking too much can have undesired and opposite intended effects, such as increased anxiety. Some people with depression have reported that GABA made it worse.
Every supplement is not for every person. Always check with your licensed medical professional before taking it.
Personal Experience With GABA
I have experienced wonderful results using GABA supplements. I find that it does relax me and I have to admit, I’ve noticed a boost in my libido and sexual performance. I’m at an age where I’d notice an uptick. I think you can take too much though. I don’t want to get into dosing, that’s not my place, and that’s a very individual matter, but I will suggest to start lower and then decide if you’d enjoy ramping up to a higher dose. The human body is a quirky thing, and every person is different.