Avanafil Review
By the age of 40, roughly 40 percent of men suffer from the symptoms of some form of erectile dysfunction (source). We can’t stop age. We can only hope to wrangle it in. And fortunately for me, there is a lot of new science in the natural male sexual enhancement world, and that’s spawned a lot of progress in the field of erectile dysfunction solutions. Is Avanafil safe? Is Avanafil effective in the battle against ED? My Avanafil review sets out to discover those and other questions men might have.
First, full disclosure, I’ve reviewed a lot of male enhancement solutions. I already have a top 10 male enhancers list that features some of the most widely agreed upon best natural erectile dysfunction solutions. That said, and as you will learn in my Avanafil review, Avanafil is not a natural solution to Viagra (I say this because this is what most men are seeking to find when they land here). If you are seeking out a natural viagra solution, go to that top 10 list (some are more geared towards Libido, some are geared more towards stronger erections). Always read reviews in full so you realize the overall dynamic of the product.
Because Avanafil isn’t an all natural solution, I don’t place it high on any lists. This doesn’t mean that it won’t work for you, it just means that around these parts of the Internet, we look for a product’s ingredient profile to be as natural as possible.
Avanafil Claimed Benefits
Avanafil is a viagra alternative, rather than a viagra natural solution. And it is marketed as such by its Mountain View, California company, Vivus, inc. That said, this amounts to a rather simple line of marketing. In other words, Avanafil is what it is.
- Increase erection strength
- Resolve erectile dysfunction
- Help create a longer sexual experience
This is effectively what Viagra accomplishes, so no surprises here. Avanfil as a Viagra alternative is explained below.
Avanafil Ingredients – How It Works
In April of 2012, the FDA approved erectile dysfunction medication, Stendra. Avanafil is the brand name of Stendra. Stendra is essentially a new wave PDE5 inhibitor.
Allow me to explain…
A PDE5 inhibitor is a chemical compound that is supposed to help men with erectile dysfunction. Stendra is a PDE5 inhibitor. There were three main PDE5 inhibitors to hit the market in years prior to Stendra’s FDA approval stamp. Those were tadalafil, sildenafil, and something called vardenafil. But those medications were largely seen as failures. Stendra’s approval into the market was considered an evolution of sorts in the market of pharmaceutical erectile dysfunction solutions.

When it comes to a man achieving an erection, it all comes down to blood flow. And that comes down to the body’s production of something called Nitric Oxide. And this is where the bridge from natural to pharmaceutical connects, though the two couldn’t be further apart in the way they increase Nitric Oxide. When a man is short on Nitric Oxide, he’s also short in other ways (most likely). PDE5 interrupts Nitric Oxide production. Avanafil is a PDE5 inhibitor. This means Avanafil helps target the criminal responsible for robbing the goods which help produce the erection. See how that puzzle fits together so perfectly? Once PDE5 is subverted, vasodilation can take place and this can lead, hopefully, to a stronger, erection which lasts for a longer duration. In other words, a man can achieve an erection and that erection will last longer. Where blood flows, good things happen.
The good news for this Avanafil review? It slaughters the pharma competitors. It tends to start working roughly 15 to 30 minutes prior to the others. It isn’t affected by eating (the others, with exception of tadalafil, have lower potency when taken around the same time as a high-fat meal is consumed).
“Would you like some butter with that roll?”
“No thanks honey, butter might ruin my erection.”
I don’t think anyone really wants to deal with that.
So Avanafil is good? No, I just said in terms of consumer reviews, it is better than its market competition. And that market is pharma. Pharma meds tend to have side effects, unlike natural erectile dysfunction solutions. And Avanafil is no different. Headaches, flushing, dizziness, congestion, and dyspepsia have all been associated with Avanafil. And those are only the short-term potential consequences. Avanafil hasn’t exactly been around for decades, so who knows what else it may have in store?
This is why I recommend natural solutions. Often, natural solutions have been around for centuries. I like my male enhancers to have been tested by Pharaohs. That’s a joke (kind of).
So let’s break down some Avanafil Pros and Cons. This should be relatively simple.
The Pros
- Improves erection strength
- Not effected by dietary intake
- It works as stated
The Cons
- You are subject to a variety of unsavory side-effects
- Just too many natural Nitric Oxide increasers to justify Avanafil
Avanafil Conclusion
Before ordering that buttery bisquit with a side of Avanafil, I seriously suggest you check out my top 10 male enhancers. There are natural solutions listed on that page which stimulate the production of Nitric Oxide. Maybe Avanafil is the right choice for you, I’m not your doctor, nor your life coach, so I can’t say exactly; but what I can say is that trying out solutions that offer much less in the way of side-effects is a good start. But that’s just me and I’m most certainly biased.