DHA Benefits and Side Effects

What is DHA
DHA benefits and side effects are a complex relationship. Many men end up going down the Google rabbit hole attempting to learn as much as possible about what benefits they can extract by taking a DHA supplement. DHA is often found in our top male enhancement supplements.
The human brain is super powerful and an important component of your brain is the omega-3 acid known as docosahexaenoic acid or (DHA). This acid is essential for brain function and health for those of all ages. Now there is research explaining how DHA provides a brain-boosting ability in aging adults and infants. Now knowing that DHA plays a large role in infant brain development they are trying to incorporate this omega-3 into baby foods and even formulas. For adults, DHA is finding it’s way into the view of those suffering from neurological and psychiatric ailments like post-traumatic stress disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, and depression. DHA is an important ingredient to pay attention to because it plays such a massive role in making sure your brain is running at optimal neurological and cognitive health.
DHA Benefits
The fact of the matter is that the higher omega-3 intake you have, the healthier you will be. There have been many studies on animal and humans that show omega-3 will, in fact, improve the function of your brain, decrease inflammation, and even reduce your chances of a fatal heart attack or stroke. DHA will also improve your vision and the production of an autoimmune disease. On top of all that great stuff that omega-3 can do for you, research also shows that the higher intake of DHA can even reduce your chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease or vascular disease. It is so powerful it increases the quality of life in those that have been affected by dementia. On top of DHA being an awesome brain developer, booster, and even help those with Alzheimer’s disease this amazing omega-3 has even been proven to reverse signs of aging memory loss.
Brain Development and DHA
In the last trimester of pregnancy, the infant’s brain goes through a rapid development and growth. This continues for two years following the birth of the baby. That being said, this is the most important time for the baby to depend on an intake of the most essential omega-3 nutrients. When the infant is still in the womb its hard to convert alpha inolenic oil (Omega-3 oil) this makes the fetal infant dependent upon the mother for a sufficient supply. Evidence shows the placenta can take up DHA and that the baby is supplied adequately. The mother is the main supplier to the baby for its needed amount of DHA so if the mother has a DHA deficiency then this leads to an increase of deficiency in the child and its brain in each birth thereafter. In t he first generation DHA deficiency can be limited to 30%, by the 3rd generation DHA levels may plummet to a staggering 85%.
DHA Dosage
On average the EPA and DHA combined intake are about 100 to 200 milligrams a day, which is below the 650 milligrams of DHA that most researchers and experts recommend for individuals to be healthy. Now there are ways to supplement DHA but honestly unless its an ingredient in a product another great way to get a sufficient amount of DHA is to eat omega-3 enriched foods.
Omega 3 Foods
DHA is a very important ingredient for our brain to feed on to help us stay mentally sharp for a large portion of our lives. If you eat these foods you’ll be sure to get the amount of daily DHA your body needs
- Mackerel- 6,982 mg/ 174% DV
- Cod Liver Oil- 2,664 mg/ 66% DV
- Salmon Fish Oil- 4,767mg/ 119% DV
- Walnuts- 2,664mg/ 66% DV
- Herring- 1,885mg/ 47% DV
- Chia Seeds- 2,457mg/ 61% DV
- Salmon- 1,716mg/ 42% DV
- Tuna- 1,414mg/ 35% DV
- Flaxseeds- 1,597mg/ 39% DV
- White Fish- 1,363mg/ 34% DV
- Hemp Seeds- 1,000mg/ 25% DV
- Sardines- 1,363mg/ 34% DV
- Anchovies- 951mg/ 23% DV
- Egg Yolks- 240mg/ 6% DV
- Natto- 428mg/ 10% DV
DHA Side Effects
DHA or (omega-3) is considered effective and safe when you take 20 grams at a time, but can still pose mild side effects when taking fish oil supplements. The side effects may include:
- The taste of fish in your mouth or even burping up fish, which seems to be one of the more common complaints. If you take a high-quality supplement then this usually isn’t much of a problem.
- Nausea or stomach pains
- Diarrhea or even troubles going to the bathroom
- If you take more than 3 grams a day you could experience excess bleeding
- Allergic reactions
- Blood sugar levels could change or even complicate medications for diabetes
Most of you won’t come in contact with any of these side effects as long as you consume plenty of omega-3 enriched foods and take supplements daily. Its always recommended that you consult your doctor about side effects and dosages of high amounts.
DHA Benefits and Side Effects Conclusion
It’s easy to see why DHA is such an important ingredient and supplement to consume to make your brain and body healthy. This super omega-3 has so many benefits that by far outweigh the side effects. DHA and the foods that contain it, should be a part of your daily consumption. It increases brain power, helps memory loss and a variety of other benefits as you age. I hope this review was helpful and provided you with the knowledge you needed to decide if DHA is right for you. Thanks for reading!