Why Use Nootropics? Ah, the age old question. It is no secret that supplements can help your well-being. These days, there are supplements offered for almost every possible issue. There are supplements for weight loss and supplements for better vision and even supplements for gaining muscle. But what about a supplement for the brain? Yeah, there are those as well. I’ve even created a page where I’ve reviewed the best nootropics. Brain pills aren’t exactly new in the world of supplements, but their state of affairs most certainly are massively improved. Brain and focus pills used to be concoctions that gave us a jittery feeling and caused the FDA to frown upon them. But times have most certainly changed with respect of nootropic formulas. A new wave of nootropics has hit the market featuring natural ingredients that are scientifically proven to help people focus. In fact, many nootropics now compete with pharmaceutical drugs such as Adderall. Resolving ADHD and the likes is big business for pharma, well now it seems the natural supplement world is giving them a run for their money.
Taking the right nootropic supplement could result in having the weapon of an enhanced brain. When you can focus and concentrate at an elite level, you can become a more productive person. When I take the right nootropic, my productivity is nothing short of lethal. Take a bad nootropic and I either end up feeling irritatable and moody or nothing at all. The nootropic brand you choose most certainly matters.
Brain health is becoming more of a focal point in the health world. Having bad brain health can make life a difficult thing. The more productive you can be, the happier your life is likely to turn out. The fact is, if you work 8 hours on something that should only take you 4 hours, all because you simply can’t focus, you are hurting other aspects of your life such as relationships and even time you could use to exercise.
A nootropic’s goal is to enhance the mind’s ability to focus and memorize. When you can focus, and when you can quickly recall facts or events, you can produce more work in a limited amount of time. A nootropic can harness your brain’s power and put you in a position to be rewarded. If you are a more efficient worker, you are more likely to see things such as pay increases and positional promotions. If you are a student, being able to retain more information in a shorter period of time is simply smart business.
Nootropics Are Brain Steroids?
Nootropics, in years past, have been controversial because they’ve been said to have rather rough side effects. But when it comes to today’s top nootropics, the side effect issue has largely dissipated. However, the core controversy now is that nootropics are “brain steroids” and yield and unfair intellectual advantage to college students. In time, this argument is likely to hit the work sector as well.
The problem with the argument is that this isn’t Major League Baseball. Nootropics don’t fit the same rational scale that steroids do. Nootropics with natural ingredients are simply feeding the brain a healthy assortment of amino acids and herbs and vitamins. Athletes take vitamins and eat nutrient dense supplement bars as a way to help maintain muscle and athleticism. Nootropics are on the same level. Adderall, on the other hand, might have a case to be made against it (though I’d still argue not). Nootropics are not brain sterioids, they are brain health. They aren’t making you smarter, they are helping the brain create an environment more conducive to memorizing things and focusing on things. Do you read books while blasting Metallica? Probably not. Because it harms your focus. See, you already try to create a working environment for your brain even sans the nootropic.
Nootropics and Poor Diet
Nootropics are not a “get smart fast” scheme. They simply don’t work in such a way. I’m going to break a few hearts when I say this, but any supplement that’s natural typically isn’t going to trump a poor diet. Supplements, including the nootropics on our list, are for people who make at least some effort in their lifestyle. If you eat fast food all day, don’t buy any supplement, much less a nootropic. A brain simply doesn’t function well on greasy drips from fry machines. And no supplement can defeat an egregious diet.
That said, I don’t eat a perfect diet. I just make “some” effort. And nootropics work wonderfully for me. The brain needs more than just a supplement, it also needs a supply of healthy fats such as coconut oil and olive oil. It needs lean proteins and Omega 3 fatty acids found in seafood.
Don’t short your brain on healthy foods and then expect a nootropic to come along and save the day. That won’t happen. And that’s another reason that I say nootropics aren’t brain steroids, they are a simple addition to an already healthy lifestyle. No one is saying you can’t go out and have a good time on the weekend, but if you are having Egg McMuffins for breakfast every day, you should fix that before spending your hard earned money on a nootropic.
Nootropics and Science
Nootropics often cause the two differing sides of your brain to work more intelligently and fluidly together, which is an effect many people feel when they say they experience a “sharp and heightened creativity.” When the left and the right work together, good things happen (just ask Congress…actually, don’t). Many of the best nootropics for studying contain Aniracetam, Piracetam, and Pramiracetam. This is a coordinated ingredient effort to appeal to neurotransmitters. They typically have an ingredient called Oxiracetam, which is known to increase analytical thinking ability. Aniracetam helps the brain solve puzzles and patterns. Piracetam is just a general brain function booster.
Nootropics for Mood Enhancement
One of the biggest hurdles we face mentally, particularly due to the modern world’s environment, is depression and anxiety. If you are depressed or anxious, your brain simply can’t perform at an accelerated level. Not to mention the drastic physically depleting side effects both depression and anxiety can yield onto the sufferer. Nootropics do a wonderful job of relieving symptoms of anxiety and depression. Many nootropics contain L-Theanine, which is scientifically proven to improve mood.
Nootropics for Anti-Aging
Many nootropics are competent at reducing indications of aging. Let’s face it, decreased memory and focus can be symptoms of aging. The ability to reduce such symptoms is vital in helping an aging brain overcome potential hurdles. Many nootropics are credited with increasing Nerve Growth Factor levels. This allows the spawning of new, fresh neurons. Some nootropics increase the o2 levels in the brain. And many nootropics do both (you just need to read nootropic reviews to figure out which does what).
For many of us, the time is now to help our brains not succumb to the pitfalls that age often has in store for us.
Nootropics, Choose Wisely
Why Use Nootropics? Because they can work, just make sure you choose your nootropics wisely. There are a lot of scams out there. Nootropics can be highly beneficial, but not if you buy a junk brand. And don’t expect a modern day miracle. Treat your body well and use the nootropics as a supplement to take you over the top.