The pharmaceutical industry has banked on our lack of focus. That’s right, the pharmaceutical industry is making a killing on ADHD medications and for the most part, we are all none the wiser. Treatments of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have long been allowed to reside in the murky high-rise offices of pharmaceutical executives. Because schools often label kids with focus issues as having ADD or ADHD, pharmaceutical companies have cleaned house. According to the CDC, ADHD diagnosis in our children blew up by over 40%. Now over 10% of our children have ADHD. The fact is, numbers like that represent an opportunity for pharma’s finest. And they’ve, without question, seized.
But they’ve also given rise to natural ADHD alternatives, such as the exploding billion dollar nootropic market. Nootropics are natural ADHD solutions. Our top nootropics list has boomed with new traffic this year as a result of those searching for better ways to manage focus issues. In the following article, we explain why nootropics are exploding in popularity.
But beyond nootropics, it has long been known that ADD and ADHD certainly have natural remedies. People have been able to manage their symptoms without the use of ADHD medications.
ADHD Drugs And Side Effects
Before we look at natural solutions to pharmaceutical ADHD medications, let’s talk about why we’d even want to pursue natural ADHD alternative solutions.
Side effects. That’s why.
As with most any pharma medication, side effects are typically part of the bargain. And that fact remains the same when it comes to ADHD medications. Poor moods, bad sleep, heart issues, appetite loss and many other ailments are possible when you take an ADHD medication.
Do ADHD Drugs Work?
And yet another reason why we need to look for natural alternatives for ADHD. The drugs pharma is putting out don’t even seem to work that well, or at all. A 2010 study showed that there were no changes to behavior for users. And no increases inattentiveness. If true, this is one of the biggest medication blunders of all time considering how widely used these drugs are.
I’m not going to say that they “don’t work” as I don’t prefer inheriting any unneeded heat on my website. I will just allow the study to speak for itself and my readers to decide for themselves.
Natural ADHD Solutions
So let’s get down to the point of this article in fast order, just in case, I lose your attention (you see what I did there? I’m funny.). Let’s look at a few ways you can naturally manage your ADHD and hopefully, avoid taking ADHD medications.

What we put into our bodies vastly effects our health. That’s not limited to our weight, that includes our brains. When we eat a poor diet, our focus can be severally compromised.
Avoid processed sugars: Processed sugars place your brain in overdrive. They dump our energy levels. They are pretty well the worst thing you can feed to an ADHD brain. Many people report their ADHD as completely vanishing after eliminating processed sugars. This would be the number one item to look into if you have ADHD or any focus issues whatsoever.
Additionally and extending upon the point, ketosis, the result of eating majorly reduced carbohydrate intake, has been shown to scientifically increase focus (read about Ketosis and focus here). Is there a link? I’d assume so, but it isn’t my place to correlate such things.
Lowered levels of zinc tend to lead to inattentiveness. Here’s a study showing zinc’s amazing benefits to concentration. Yes, science. I went there. Again. Whoever would have possibly considered that diet and ADHD could be related?
Taking a multivitamin, such as B-Complex, can also be super helpful to the cause, but only after you’ve changed your diet to eliminate processed sugars. If you don’t make that change, I wouldn’t suggest wasting your time on any supplements, including nootropics.
Another issue may well be the chemicals found in our processed foods. Items such as dyes and food colorings and preservatives may increase our risk for attention deficit issues. In fact, the Mayo Clinic says that these ingredients “may” increase children’s hyperactive mode. Man, this neverending rabbit hole called science is sure something special when we step out of our box, isn’t it?
Allergens And ADHD
Milk, eggs, and even chocolate have been linked to issues of ADHD. Start paying attention to your body, relate what you eat to how you feel and your productivity. Keep a food diary! And get allergy tests performed. You can have an allergy now that you didn’t have as a child, so don’t assume that your lack of an allergen as a child is meaningful today.
Consider YOGA
A 2013 study showed that frequent yoga improved issues of ADHD. So don’t be afraid to get your workout zen on. In fact, all exercise would likely serve someone who suffers from ADHD pretty well. Researchers have also found that the ancient practice of Tai Chi was pretty effective, as well.
ADHD Therapy
The word “Therapy” is an often tainted word when it really should be embraced. Would you prefer the side effects of ADHD medications or simply talking to someone once a week? You never know until you try. I know I’d prefer a natural, holistic solution beyond everything else. If therapy can help me deal with focus issues, I am all for it.
ADHD Supplements
As mentioned prior, many people with focus issues do take a B-Complex. I suggest doing so only after you adapt your diet to something more closely resembling a healthy meal plan. Additionally and as also mentioned prior, nootropics for ADHD may also be a decent option for you to try. Although nootropics are natural, you should speak to your doctor prior to taking nootropics for ADHD symptoms. I take them. I love them. They work for me. But I’m not you!
In the end, it all comes down to research and the will to find an alternative ADHD solution. We live in a world that’s built around pharmaceutical solutions. We often need to do our own research to find alternatives. And it is possible that you only have focus issues and not even ADHD. There are theories floated that ADHD is mostly a myth which allows pharma to fill in revenue-generating product for us.