Huperzine-A Nootropic Ingredient Introduction
Often found in supplements residing on our best nootropics list, the Huperzine-A nootropic ingredient addition is actually a substantially helpful one. This substance is a purified alkaloid that is extracted from a Chinese moss called huperzia serrata. You can find this moss plant in the subtropical climates of south China. Lycopodium Serratum Thumb is the Huperzine-A scientific name, but when it comes to the benefits of this plant you won’t be thinking about that crazy name. This nootropic has been approved in China to treat memory problems that come with older age, and Alzheimer’s disease. Since Huperzine-A is considered a nootropic, it’s an all-natural compound known for its brain-boosting benefits, and considered safe and effective in concentration, also enhancing the clarity in your mind. In America, Huperzine-A can be purchased over the counter as a dietary supplement and in my opinion much better than caffeine. If you are in school this stuff does wonders for retaining lessons or even learning capabilities in general.
Huperzine-A Medical Uses
In Chinese Traditional Medicine Huperzine-A as an extract is used to treat many ailments. Some of those ailments include poor circulation of blood, strains, bruises, decreasing brain function, myasthenia gravis, and schizophrenia.
Supporting Acetylcholine Levels
Huperzine-A inhibits Cholinesterase to prevent dementia, mental disorders, and cognitive decline. This nutrient can reduce the risk of liver disease, memory loss, neural tube defects, and other different disorders. Acetylcholine levels in your body are very important to your aging process so by using Huperzine-A regularly you can boost those levels and in turn reverse the decline in your brain.
Improves Long-Term and Short-Term Memory
The hippocampi are the part of your brain that consolidates your short term and long term memories along with recollection skills. Using Huperzine-A as a dietary supplement aids to help problems such as memory loss associated with old age and learning deficiencies. Huperzine-A promotes neural stem cell production in your hippocampi, which is located on both sides of your brain.
Healthy Activity in Your Brain
Taking Huperzine-A can help you enhance the creation of neuron connections, which makes it so much easier to retain and learn new information, This nootropic will enhance cognitive neuroplasticity and improve memory.
Huperzine-A Benefits
Being that most brain boosting supplements use this amazing ingredient, it has to have some pretty great benefits. By now you know that you can buy this over the counter in the U.S. and has been used in Chinese medicine for years, so here are the most important benefits that Huperzine-A provides:
- Can Enhance Neuroplasticity
- Increases ACh Levels
- Improves your Cerebral Function
- Prevents cognitive decline in your future
- Improves your concentration
- Improves symptoms of dementia
- Increases brain Clarity
- Protects from brain cell damage
- Protects Poisoning from Nerve Agents
- Cell Toxicity Protection
- Reverses Cognitive Impairment and Enhances Memory
Huperzine-A Dosages and Nutrition
Huperzine-A nootropic ingredient power is pronounced and defined, so error with caution. is non-toxic and has very little side effects, though when it comes to doses, it is different for everybody. The following are recommended doses fro those with different problems or those who just want to improve mental capacity.
- Myasthenia Gravis- Your doctor injects a shot daily of Huperzine-A to help with muscle weakness
- Alzheimer’s Disease- The most positive result when taking Huperzine-A is a dose of .3 to .4 milligrams per day
- Healthy Adults- Taking a dose daily of about 100mg can enhance memory and clarity.
- Memory Disorder- Dosages anywhere between 50-400 milligrams per day
- Senile or Dementia- 30mg of Huperzine-A would be taken twice a day to improve cognitive abilities and focus
Huperzine-A Side Effects
In trials performed with Huperzine-A, there have been a few negative impacts on the body for some. The following are the effects that seem to be most common in patients that take this nootropic:
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Water Retention
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Hyperactivity
- Nasal Obstruction
- Dizziness
- Thirst
If you are currently taking beta-blockers then you make experience a decreased heart rate. If you have or had a heart-related disease you should consult your doctor before dosing this nootropic. If you have epilepsy then you should stay away from Huperzine-A. If you are already taking medication for diseases such as Alzheimer’s then do not mix with Huperzine-A or again, talk to your doctor about switching or if this brain booster is right for you.
Huperzine-A Conclusion
Huperzine-A is a brain-boosting monster and can help those with some of life’s most terrible diseases. As we get older our minds slow down and it gets harder to concentrate and learn new things, but with these new nootropic supplements, those days are in the past. This is stuff works, and there are plenty of people out there that can back me up. If you’re looking to do better in school or at work, or have trouble with short-term, and long-term memory loss this stuff is for you. If you know a family member starting to decline then this supplement can help. Every supplement has some adverse effects, but the pros, outweigh the cons. I would recommend this product to anyone, whether you are in school or not. The nootropic helps you stay sharp and even prevent the effects of aging and memory loss. I hope this article was informative and gave you the knowledge you needed to decide whether Huperzine-A is right for you. Thanks for reading!