The Benefits and Side Effect of Magnesium
Magnesium can be vital to the human body and experts consider being deficient in magnesium, which happens with age, as one of the bigger problems adults endure (other than credit card debt!).It’s not a bad idea to take supplements and eat foods that are rich in magnesium (and pay more than your minimum on credit card bills!).
Believe it or not there are so many benefits and needs to take magnesium that it is mind-blowing. If you happen to be one of those people that are suffering from a magnesium deficiency then you already know the way your body displays that, by giving you muscle aches, poor digestion, anxiety, spasms, or even trouble falling asleep. In this review, I will do my best to show you why magnesium is important to the body and why many top brain boosters use magnesium as an ingredient.
Why do you Need Magnesium?
As I said before being deficient in magnesium can pose a good deal of symptoms and the most popular are:
- Liver and kidney damage
- Cardiovascular and hypertension disease
- Deficiencies in vitamin k, calcium, vitamin B1, potassium
- A worse version of the symptoms cause by PMS
- Restless leg syndrom
- Mood swings
- Trouble sleeping or insomnia
- Tooth cavities
- Cramps
- Muscle weakness
It’s a powerful ingredient that helps so many people with symptoms from all of the above.
Types of magnesium
You can find Magnesium in a few different forms. The absorption differs from kind to kind. Its said that magnesium in the citrate, chloride, and chelate forms seem to absorb better than those in sulfate or oxide form. You may come across these while finding whether on not magnesium is right for you.
- Magnesium citrate– This is a magnesium that’s combined with a citric acid. This can have a laxative effect in a few cases when taken in larger doses, but is for the most part safe to use if you want to improve digesting or even prevent constipation.
- Magnesium Chelate– This form is absorbed by the body very easily and is also found in many different types of foods. It binds itself to an abundant amount of amino acids otherwise known as protein and used to restore you magnesium levels.
- Magnesium Chloride oil– This form is a magnesium oil that you can apply to your skin and helps those who have digesting problems that might arise from eating the foods that contain magnesium. This is a popular method for those who work out or even play sports so they can heal wounds, weak muscle pain, skin irritations, and even to increase endurance and energy.
- Magnesium Threonate– This form has a higher level of absortion considering it has the ability to penetrate your membrane in the mitochondria. This type isn’t as popular or as available since there hasn’t been much research done, but may be become more popular down the road.
- Magnesium Glycinate– Another high absortion, and used widely by those suffering from magnesium deficiency. Also this form is less likely to cause those unwanted laxative effects like other types of magnesium.
- Magnesium Orotate– This type of magnesium is very beneficial to the human heart because of the orotic acid found in the product.
Its hard to tell you whether or not you need to use magnesium, so I would consult a doctor prior to taking it to make sure you’re taking the right kind and the right dosage needed to help.
Recommended Magnesium Dosage
Magnesium dosages are different for people of different ages and even gender. The intake of magnesium also differs with each individual person
- Babies-to six months: 30mg
- 7-12 months should take: 75mg
- 1-3 yrs: 80mg
- 4-8 yrs: 130mg
- 9-13 yrs: 240mg
- 14-18 yrs: 410mg for the men and 360mg for women
- 19-30 yrs: 400mg for men and 310mg for women
- 31 yrs and older: 420mg for men and 320 for women
- If you are pregnant women can take 350-360mg
- If you are breastfeeding: 310-320mg
Magnesium Benefits
- Helps to increase your energy
- Calms your nerves
- Treats insomnia and can help you fall asleep
- Relieves aches in your muscles and even spasms
- Helps you digest food better and can relieve constipation
- Regulates your potassium and calcium levels
- Increases the health of your heart
- Can help prevent osteoporosis
- Can help prevent Migraines

The Best Food Sources of Magnesium
- Black Beans- 120mg/ 37% DV
- Almonds- 97mg/ 30% DV
- Pumpkin Seeds- 42mg/ 13% DV
- Spinach- 157mg/ 49% DV
- Mung Beans- 97mg/ 30% DV
- Swiss Chard- 150mg/ 47% DV
- Cashews- 91mg/ 30% DV
- Avocado- 39mg/ 12% DV
- Broccoli- 32mg/ 10% DV
- Bananas- 37mg/ 11% DV
- Potatoes-85mg/ 26% DV
- Brussels Sprouts- 32mg/ 10% DV
Magnesium Side Effects
Eating too many foods with an abundant source of magnesium won’t pose too much of a risk because however much magnesium the body doesn’t need it is easily flushed out through urine. You can, unfortunately, ingest too much from any magnesium supplement. This is very rare though and is no threat to most. The main side effect that more people encounter is the laxative aspect of magnesium. It can cause nausea, abdominal cramping, and even diarrhea. Another side effect that may cause concern is digestive issues, but this only poses a threat when you exceed 600mg of the carbonate, gluconate, chloride, and oxide forms. The way it happens is the magnesium produces osmotic activity in your colon and intestines, which can stimulate your bowls a little to much. Stay between 3 and 4 hundred mg a dose and you should have no problems.
Magnesium Benefits and Side Effects Conclusion
Magnesium is easily one of the more powerful ingredients found in foods and supplements because of its pure power and effects it has on the human body. The ingredient has minor side effects and has a plethora of excellent benefits to help decrease pains in your body to helping sleep and also preventing aging effects of the body like osteoporosis and heart health. Being that the benefits are high and the negative effects are low, I would recommend this to anyone. If you’re looking to cure a magnesium deficiency or even make yourself healthier to prevent such things, this product is a no brainer. I hope this review was informative and gave you the information you were looking for. Thanks for reading!